Rural residents often encounter barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. Access to healthcare implies that healthcare services are available and obtainable in a timely manner. Yet rural residents often encounter barriers to healthcare access. Even when an adequate supply of healthcare services exists in the community, there are other factors that may impede healthcare access. Jivika Healthcare in partnership with Government of Assam and Siemens Healthineers has initiated Swasthya Sawari Project which ensures easy accessibility of healthcare services to the remotely residing communities through Mobile Health Clinics consisting of professionally trained healthcare workers and an MBBS Doctor.

69 Years Old Mr. Akbar Ali
During one of our Swasthya Sawari medical camp a 69 years old man named Akbar Ali who is a farmer by occupation, came with a complaint of mild pain and swelling in right inguino-scrotal region since 4 months. He was provisionally diagnosed with right sided incomplete direct inguinal hernia with no complication. He was counselled and was referred to GMCH for further diagnosis and treatment.
Swasthya Sawari is ensuring equitable acess of quality healthcare services specially focused on Non-Communicable Diseases. We are immensely grateful to our partners for supporting us to fulfill our motto of ‘Serving the Underserved.’
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