Ensuring a Safe Future of Adolescent Girls Through Cervical Cancer Vaccination

The Cervical Cancer vaccine, which is one of the most cost-effective tools against life-threatening Cervical Cancer and protects against at least 70% of all Cervical Cancer. Unfortunately, it is still not included in the national immunization schedule of many countries. HPV vaccination programs have been credited with substantially reducing the disease burden in many countries. Research shows girls aged 9-14 have the best immune response to the vaccine, ensuring maximum cervical cancer prevention.

To ensure the accessibility of Cervical Cancer vaccine, Jivika has partnered with Danaher Foundation and Give to provide 4820 doses of Cervical Cancer vaccination to the underprivileged girls of Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru and Delhi. In Pune, Jivika partnered with Rotary club for spreading awareness about the importance of Cervical Cancer vaccination among the target beneficiaries.

On 22nd of July, 2023 a vaccination camp was organized in Dyananda Prashala, Kiratwadi in Pune. Most of the students studying in the school are from economically backward families. Their parents mostly work as domestic help, construction workers and daily wage labourers. Prior to the vaccination camp, Rotary club has taken the initiative of mobilizing and sensitizing the Principal, teachers, beneficiaries (9-14 years old girls) and their parents about the need and importance of Cervical Cancer vaccination.

On the day of camp, the students came with the filled-in forms which were shared to them on the day of mobilization and documents for age verification (Aadhar card). Written consent from Parent/Guardian was taken on the form. Before starting the vaccination camp, a counselling session was organized to sensitize and counsel the beneficiaries to ensure that they are confident and do not get anxious while getting vaccinated.

Just before the vaccination camp, three parents approached the team asking if the vaccine is safe. They also asked if the vaccine will affect the day routine of the girls or if it will have any side effect on the reproductive system of the girls in long term. The Medical Officer cleared all the doubts of the parents and assured them that the vaccine is completely safe and will not have any side effects in the short or long term. 100 girls were vaccinated safely in the vaccination drive. Jivika believes that every girl irrespective of their social or economic background deserves to be protected from Cervical Cancer.