Taking Healthcare Services Closer to Communities

According to WHO, the estimates in 2019 showed that 77 million individuals had diabetes in India, which is expected to rise to over 134 million by 2045. Approximately 57% of these individuals remain undiagnosed.

Screening of Non-Communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and three most common cancers (oral, breast and cervical cancer) is an integral part of healthcare services provided by Healthcare On Wheels. In rural areas many people remain undiagnosed of diabetes due to lack of screening facilities. Jivika Healthcare in partnership with the Government of Assam and Siemens Healthineers is bridging the gap by providing diabetes screening facilities in the hard-to-reach villages of Assam.

35 years old Rejia Khatun visited Healthcare On Wheels’ health camp organized on 29th of August, 2023 in Roumari village of Nagarbera block. She came for regular treatment, but was diagnosed of diabetes and hypertension. She was referred to PHC, Santoli for treatment. She visited the referral center after multiple follow-ups and counseling by Jivika team. Currently, she is on medication for her ailments.

Like her, there are many people residing in rural areas who are unaware about their ailments as they have never undergone screening. Jivika is bridging the gap and ensuring that everyone gets the opportunity to lead a healthy life.