Meet the mother who prioritized her child’s health over everything

Every day,Our Jivika Tai, Rupa goes door-to-door to educate and assist families in fully vaccinating their children. One day she came across Meena, a domestic helper who didn’t know anything about the life-saving vaccines for her child, Rupa engaged and educated her on the need to go for the full rote vaccinations against six critical diseases prompting Meena to enrol her child in the #AdoptAZindagi campaign. The fact that these are vaccines that are not covered by the Government’s universal immunisation programme but they go a long way in protecting her child’s health and future was something that Meena was convinced that she needed to secure. When asking for leave, she told her employer about #AdoptAZindagi’s free vaccination drive and campaign, they wholeheartedly supported and encouraged her to get her child immunized.
enrol her child in the #AdoptAZindagi campaign. The fact that these are vaccines that are not covered by the Government’s universal immunisation programme but they go a long way in protecting her child’s health and future was something that Meena was convinced that she needed to secure. When asking for leave, she told her employer about #AdoptAZindagi’s free vaccination drive and campaign, they wholeheartedly supported and encouraged her to get her child immunized. Meena expressed her gratitude to the AdoptAZindagi campaign’s Change Makers for securing a healthier future for her child by saying, ‘I am so thankful to Jivika Healthcare for securing my child’s health through this camp but more importantly for making me understand on how necessary this is. ‘For our Jivika Tai it’s rewarding to see how positive people are in Pune about the need for vaccines. She believes that’s primarily a consequence of effective communication and counseling from health workers like herself, who build trust in these services and contribute towards a healthy India.