Breast and cervical cancer are the most common causes of cancer mortality in women worldwide. Through cervical cancer screening precancerous changes can be detected which might lead to cancer if left untreated. Early detection of cervical cancer increases the chance of successful treatment. In rural areas cervical cancer is often detected in advanced stages when it becomes incurable. Accessibility of healthcare by women in rural areas is often compromised due to sociocultural, economic and environmental barriers. A study conducted by South Asian Journal of Cancer interviewed 281 women from rural India on their general cancer knowledge. It was found that only 16% of 281 women were aware about the warning signs of cervical cancer (Tripathi et al., 2014).

Women Lined up at Swasthya Sawari Medical Camp for Check-up
Among the focus areas of Swasthya Sawari, screening of three types of most common cancers (oral, breast and cervical cancer) is one. Women are mobilized and motivated to get the screening for cervical and breast cancer done leaving behind the social stigmas associated with it. During our Swasthya Sawari medical camp in Ukiam, in Boko block of Kamrup district, a 33 years old lady named Mrs. Anita Marak (changed name) came for general health check-up. After screening for
cervical cancer (through VIA test), she was found VIA positive. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) is a simple test with moderate sensitivity and specificity for screening that can be combined with simple treatment procedures for early cervical lesions. She was counselled by the Medical Officer and referred to Guwahati Medical College and Hospital for further tests and treatment. On follow-up, the beneficiary revealed that she went to GMCH with the ASHA of her village after being referred from the Swasthya Sawari medical camp. Currently she is under treatment and taking her medicines regularly. Swasthya Sawari provides end to end services, ensuring that the beneficiaries receive the treatment for their ailments. We are immensely grateful to our partners- The Government of Assam and Siemens Healthineers for supporting us to reach out to the remotely residing communities and providing quality healthcare services.
Note: Name of the beneficiary has been changed for privacy reasons.