Mrs. Gudiya Kumari
Regular ANC check-up is important for the systematic supervision of women during pregnancy to monitor the growth and well-being of both mother and child. It allows timely management of complications and helps to link mothers to a formal health system. Linking mothers to a formal health system increases the chance of institutional delivery. According to NFHS-5 statistics about 58.1% of women in India had at least four ANC visits, while for rural areas the statistic is only 54.2%. Jivika Healthcare, in partnership with the Government of Jharkhand, Rockefeller Foundation, Give, BCG, USAID, Jhpiego and Nishtha is taking ANC check-up facilities close to communities through Swasthya Sawari
During our medical camp at Butgodwa village in Gola block of Ramgarh district in Jharkhand on 29th of October, 2022, a 19 years old Gudiya Kumari came for ANC check-up. Swasthya Sawari is equipped with all screening facilities required for ANC check-up. Gudiya was found to be Hepatitis-B positive. She was counselled about the risk of Hepatitis B on her and her child’s health and was referred to Community Health Center, Gola.

Mrs Gudiya Kumari at Swasthya Sawari medical camp for ANC check-up
After continuous follow-ups, the Sahiya (ASHA) of Butgodwa village took her to the CHC for treatment. Like Gudiya, there are many high-risk pregnancy cases that are not screened in time as they don’t go for regular ANC check-ups. Swasthya Sawari is taking ANC check-up facilities closer to such communities for the good health and well-being of the expecting mothers.
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