Hypertension or elevated blood pressure is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. An estimated 46% of adults with hypertension are unaware that they have the condition. Less than half of adults (42%) with hypertension are diagnosed and treated.

53 years old Mr. Suresh Kumar screened of Hypertension in Swasthya Sawari Camp
According to WHO, nearly 63% of total deaths in India are due to non-communicable diseases, of which 27% are attributed to cardiovascular disease which affects 45% people in the 40-69 age group. Raised blood pressure is among the most important risk factors for CVDs. Moreover, it remains poorly controlled due to low awareness about hypertension, lack of appropriate care through primary care and poor follow up.
India has set a target of 25% relative reduction in the prevalence of hypertension (raised blood pressure) by 2025. To achieve this, the Government of India launched the Indian Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI) to fast-track access to treatment services for over 220 million people in India who have hypertension. To support Government’s initiative to control hypertension, Jivika’s Swasthya Sawari initiative provides hypertension screening facility along with other 20+ disease conditions screening.
A 53 years old man, named Suresh Kumar came with a complaint of convulsion before two days and seizure disorder (detected earlier). While recording his vitals, his blood pressure was found to be 168/103 mmHg which higher than the normal level 120/80 mmHg. He was counselled on diet and lifestyle modification and was also advised to take regular medication. Like Suresh, we come across many people suffering from hypertension, but unaware of it.
We are immensely grateful to our partners- Government of Jharkhand, Rockefeller Foundation, Give, BCG, USAID, Jhpiego and Nishtha for supporting us to take healthcare facilities to the last miles.