Access to primary healthcare is the basic right of each and every human being. Unfortunately, in rural areas, people do not have health seeking behavior due to several factors. They do not prioritize health. Some of the factors affecting the health seeking behavior or people are- lack of awareness, lack of transportation facility and other socio-economic factors. Easy accessibility of quality healthcare services is one of the solution to change the health seeking behavior of the rural population.

Medical Officer examining 17 years old Eliza
Jivika is addressing the issue of accessibility of quality healthcare through Swasthya Sawari. During one of the Swasthya Sawari medical camp in Baguriguri village of Nagarbera block a 17 years old girl named Eliza Khatun came with a complaint of general weakness and fatigue since three months. She was the known case of Thalassemia and her twin sister was also suffering from the same disease. She was diagnosed of Thalassemia about two years back and had undergone multiple blood transfusion since then.
Her last blood transfusion was about six months back. The Medical Officer counselled her about the dos and don’ts and referred her to GMCH for further analysis and treatment.
Jivika in partnership with Government of Assam and Siemens Healthineers is ensuring equity in healthcare services by reaching out to the unreached and hard-to-reach communities. We are immensely grateful to our partners for supporting us in this initiative of ‘Serving the Underserved’.
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